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Scheduling FAQs


2025-2026 SCHOOL YEAR


  1. Where is the link to start my course registration?

Sign in to your Parent SV Portal page. Under the 'Grades' tab, you will find a link to the Course Registration page located on the bottom right of the window. 


  1. How long is the online course registration available?

Online registration is open from January 24th through February 7th for current 6th and 7th grade students.  After February 7th at 4pm, students will need to contact their school Guidance Office to register for classes.


  1. What classes are required in grade 7? Grade 8?

All 7th-grade and 8th-grade students must take a full year of English, Social Studies, Math, Science, and Physical Education, as well as a half-year of Health and Reading. Students in the Purpose program will take Purpose in place of their half-year Reading class.  

All students are required to choose a 3-day-per-week elective (Chorus, Band, Strings, TV/Movie Production). Art Concepts and Study Hall are additional 3- day per week elective options available in 8th-grade. 

In addition, 7th-grade students are required to take General Art and General Music (Intro to Coding is now a course that all 8th grade students will take), as well as the introductory language courses which consist of a nine-weeks of French, German, Latin and Spanish. 

8th-grade students will also have the option to choose a World Language and will be placed in Family Consumer Science and Technology Education introductory 6-week courses. 


  1. Am I required to take a World Language?

Seneca Valley prioritizes the skills, exposure and growth that world language classes provide and, therefore, makes language an opportunity available for all students in 7th and 8th grades. While not a requirement for graduation, most colleges require language study prior to admittance due to the many academic benefits of taking a world language.

At Seneca Valley, incoming students to 7th grade will automatically be registered for Introduction to World Language, which focuses on a different language every nine weeks. Starting in 8th grade, students may opt to move on to level one of their chosen World Language, choosing from French, German, Latin and Spanish.


  1. Where is the listing of all elective course choices? How do I find out more about electives?

The online Program of Studies has all courses listed by subject area, SV career pathway, and grade level.  By clicking on the ‘View All Courses’ tab and then the ‘Electives’ tab you can see every course, the appropriate grade level(s), and the course overview with prerequisites.


  1. How do I add a lunch period?

Lunch periods are automatically assigned to your schedule. You may not see them in the SV Portal immediately, but they will show up on the final schedule. You do not need to do anything to schedule a lunch period.


  1. My student was recommended for WIN in 7th grade OR  8th grade. What is WIN?

WIN classes are available for English and/or Math. These classes are designed to provide additional academic assistance/instruction in the designated subject area, supervised by a team teacher. There will not be a grade earned for the class. WIN will take the place of World Language. 


  1. How do I register to take a cyber class during the school year?

To take a cyber class during the school year, click on ‘Cyber Asynchronous Edgenuity’ in the drop-down menu for that particular class on the SV Portal registration page. For additional information about SV Cyber Academy of Choice, please visit Please reach out to the cyber counselor, Christine Estvanik, at 724-452-6040 x1012 or you can email her at 


  1. If I disagree with the teacher’s recommendation, what do I do?

First, talk to or email your teacher. There are many factors that contribute to a teacher’s recommendation, including standardized test scores, grades, etc. Then, select ‘See Counselor’ from the drop-down menu next to that class. You may also email your school counselor.


10. If I need help completing my online course registration, who do I contact?

Parents and students should complete the online course registration together. If you are still unsure, please see or email one of your teachers or your school counselor.


11. How do I change my course requests once the registration window closes?

Please email, teams message or come to your Guidance Office for a schedule change request form. The final deadline to request a course change is the last day of the school year. Please note that revisions are subject to class size and availability.


12. How do I know my course registration is complete and ready to process?

BOTH students and parents must click to sign off on the online registration page through their SV portal. Once that is done, the course requests will be processed for scheduling. Please note that parents and students will not have access to the online portal registration page to adjust their course selections after 4pm on February 7th.


13. When will my schedule be available?

Schedules are made available in the SV Portal by mid-August. Orientation activities will be scheduled in August to provide students with the opportunity to visit RGMS to become familiar with their new schedule and the building. More information will be communicated to parents in the summer.


14. Now that I’ve chosen my classes, what does a 7th grade schedule look like?

In no particular order, your schedule will include the following classes (based on course selections). Here is an example of a 7th grade schedule.


  1. Your recommended Math course
  2. Your recommended English course
  3. Adventures in World Cultures
  1. Physical Education (2 days per week)/ 3 day per week elective (Band, Chorus, String Ensemble, TV & Movie Production)
  1. Integrated Science 7
  2. Health (semester)/Reading (semester)
  3. General Art (semester)/General Music (semester)
  4. Introduction to World Language (9 weeks of each: French, German, Latin, Spanish) OR WIN class (if recommended)


15. Now that I’ve chosen my classes, what does an 8th grade schedule look like?

In no particular order, your schedule will include the following classes (based on course selections). Here is an example of an 8th grade schedule.



  1. Your recommended Math course
  2. Your recommended English course
  3. US History to 1877
  1. Physical Education (2 days per week)/ 3 day per week elective (Band, Chorus, String Ensemble, TV Production/Acting, Art Concepts, Study Hall)
  1. Integrated Science 8
  2. Health (semester)/Reading (semester)
  3. World Language (a full year of your choice: French, German, Latin, Spanish) OR 3 day per week elective OR WIN class (if recommended)
  4. Family/Consumer Sciences and Applied Engineering Technology rotation (6 courses, 6 weeks each)

For any other questions, please contact the RGMS Guidance Office at 724-452-6043 x3075 or email Mrs. Jeanine Poleti, Guidance Administrative Assistant at