Signs of Suicide - Health Lesson and Tip Line
SOS is unique among school-based suicide prevention programs as it incorporates two prominent suicide prevention strategies into a single program: an educational curriculum that raises awareness about suicide and depression, and a brief screening for depression.
The SOS Programs use a simple and easy-to-remember acronym, ACT® (Acknowledge, Care, Tell), to teach students action steps to take if they encounter a situation that requires help from a trusted adult. SOS is offered for both middle and high school aged youth and can be implemented in one class period by existing faculty and staff.
Telephone Tipline:
National Suicide Prevention LifelineFor immediate assistance, please dial 911. If you or someone you know is in need of crisis intervention, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
Telephone Tipline General Terms:
Seneca Valley School District's tipline reporting system is intended to facilitate via telephone the reporting of sensitive information to school officials, including information regarding student safety, substance abuse or potential threats to individuals or our facilities. It is NOT an emergency hotline. If you need immediate assistance and/or are reporting an event that could immediately affect the school community, please call 911.
Telephone Tipline: (724) 631-1677